Question 1 of 20
A train stops at six different stations on its route. After the train leaves the sixth station, it returns to the first station and repeats the cycle. The stations are located in six cities and are named A, B, C, D, E and F. E is the third station. B is the sixth. Station D comes before station F. Station C comes before station A. If C is the fourth station, which station among the following should come immediately before Station C?


Question 2 of 20
There are three security guards, A, B and C appointed to guard a jewellery shop under the following conditions:
No security guard is called to work for three consecutive days.

A has his off on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.
B has his off on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.
C has his off on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.

On which day of the week do all of them work together?


Question 3 of 20
It is widely accepted that sports players are unconcerned about the environmental hazards. But this opinion is not true. A study recently conducted indicated that 75 percent of the 5000 players interviewed revealed a high level of interest in environmental hazards. If this conclusion is true, which among the following would not favor it?

a.There was no proof whether the interviewed players had any previous experience in dealing with environmental hazards.
b.Players who are interested in dealing with environmental hazards were more likely to give the interview.
c.The players were interviewed without regard to their experience.
d.Since the time the players were interviewed, many developments have been taking place in dealing with environmental hazards.
e.A government organization concerned with environmental hazards conducted the study.

Question 4 of 20
Six people, P, Q, R, S, T and V, run a marathon.

Q does not win.

Two runners separate T and S.
P is running behind S and T.
Q is running ahead of T and there is one runner in between the two of them.
V is running ahead of S.

How many runners separate P and V?


Question 5 of 20
Four men Rory, Stephen, Tony and Ulrich are married to Rachel, Sarah, Teri and Ursa. The couples live in Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas and Utah. The first letters of the names of men and their wives, and the states in which they live does not match. Sarah is not married to Rory. Stephen does not live in Rhode Island or Utah and is not Rachel’s husband. Ulrich and Teri do not live in South Dakota. Who is Rory married to? 


Question 6 of 20
A teacher categorizes five students, P, Q, R, S and T. She comes up with the following conclusions:

All Ps are Qs.
All Qs Are Rs.
Some Ss are Ps.
All Ss are Qs.
No Ts are Rs.

Which one of the following is/are true?

a.All Rs are Ps.
b.Some Ts are Qs.
c.All Ps are Ss.
d.No Qs are Ts.
e.Some Ts are Ps.

Question 7 of 20
Jack is sleeping. Which statement/ statements among the following is/are necessary to justify the statement? 

1)Jack is in bed.
2)It is afternoon.
3)Everyone lying on the bed is sleeping.

a.1 & 2
b.2 & 3
c.1 & 3

Question 8 of 20
In a class, there are 8 students: P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W.

P is taller than Q, but shorter than R.
Q is shorter than S, but taller than T.
U is shorter than P, but taller than Q.
V is taller than S, but shorter than U.
W is shorter than Q.

Which one of the following would be true?

a.U is taller than S.
b.W is taller than S.
c.W is the shortest of all.
d.T is taller than W.

Question 9 of 20
Two persons, A and B, are having a conversation. A says to his sister B, “I have as many sisters as brothers.” B tells her brother, “I have twice as many brothers as sisters.” How many brothers and sisters are there? 

a.2 brothers and 5 sisters
b.4 brothers and 3 sisters
c.3 brothers and 3 sisters
d.3 brothers and 4 sisters

Question 10 of 20
5 students, A, B, C, D and E took a competitive exam. When their result was declared, A wrote the following on a piece of paper: B has scored more than 2 marks. C has scored more marks in the exam than A and B has scored together. Marks scored by A are the same as the total marks scored by D and E together. A has scored more marks than B. No two people have scored the same marks. If D scored more marks than B, who scored the lowest marks? 

e.Data Insufficient

Question 11 of 20
There are six floors in a building from the first floor to the top floor. No two people can live on the same floor.

P lives two floors below M.
S lives on the floor above N.
Only one floor is vacant.

If P lives on the second floor, which of the following would be true?

a.S lives on the third floor.
b.M lives on the fifth floor.
c.N lives on the floor above M.

Question 12 of 20
In a certain code language,

‘Tuta Kaba’ means ‘red apples’
‘Pita haka’ means ‘sweet oranges’
‘Haka nut kaba’ means ‘sweet luscious apples’

Which word in the language means ‘luscious’?


Question 13 of 20
Five people, P, Q, R, S and T are appearing in an interview. The order in which they will be called for the interview is fixed. P will be called before R, Q before S and T before P. Which among the following is the correct sequence in which they would attend the interview?

a.P, R, Q, S, T
b.P, R, S, T, Q
c.Q, R, P, T, S
d.Q, S, T, P, R

Question 14 of 20
Students of a college who are excused from attending the public speaking class are better orators than those who take the course. Thus we can improve public speaking skills of students by cancelling the public speaking course. The flaw in the reasoning used in the above argument is that the writer: no evidence for his conclusion. expressing a subjective view.
c.assumes all public speaking courses to be alike.
d.confuses cause and effect.

Question 15 of 20
In a game, Peter places seven marbles adjacently in a row. Two marbles are red in color. Two blue colored marbles are adjacent to the same red marble. There is one pink colored marble. There are two white colored marbles but they are not placed adjacent to each other. One of the red colored marbles is place at one end of the row. If the pink colored marble is placed at the other end of the row, where is the second red colored marble? 

a.In the second place.
b.In the third place.
c.In the fourth place.
d.In the seventh place.

Question 16 of 20
A survey recently conducted revealed that the consumption of alcohol is injurious to health. The survey found that, on an average, men drank 75% of the total alcohol and women 25% during the last five years.
Which question out of the following will be the most appropriate in evaluating the given statement?
a.Why is the time of the survey 5 years and not more or less?
b.Did any of the men die after consuming alcohol?
c.When the survey was conducted, did women drink more alcohol than men?
d.What has been the ratio of the males consuming alcohol to the females doing so during the last five years?

Question 17 of 20
Five friends, A, B, C, D and E work in different offices. One of them is a singer, the other a lawyer, the third a doctor, the fourth a sportsman and the fifth a chef. One day, they meet and discuss their respective earnings.

E is earning as much as the singer.
C is earning less than the lawyer.
A is earning less than the doctor.
B is earning more than the chef.
C is earning more than the doctor.
The doctor is earning more than the sportsman.
E is earning more than B.

What is A’s profession?

d.Cannot be determined

Question 18 of 20
A team of four students has to be selected from A, B, C, D, E, F and G, according to the following:

B will not be with F.
A and C must be together.
E will not be with A.
G and D must be together.
F will not be with G.

A team can consist of:


Question 19 of 20
There are three people, A, B and C. They are to share a cake equally. They cut the cake into “n” equal pieces. After each one of them finishes eating 4 pieces of the cake, the total number of the remaining pieces of the cake is equal to that to which each person was entitled. Find the value of “n”.


Question 20 of 20
A certain code word uses numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The numbers are written from left to right. The numbers correspond to the following conditions:

1)The code word can contain a minimum of two numbers. The numbers can be the same or different.
2)1 cannot be the first number in the code word.
3)If 2 occurs, it should occur more than once.
4)3 cannot be the last number in the word nor can it be next to last.
5)If 1 occurs, 4 must also occur.
6)If 2 does not occur, 5 too cannot occur.

Which of the following is the code word?


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