Avoid Blog Designers

This article assumes you already know what blogging is, and know how valuable it can be in terms of networking and advertising your company. The best thing about blogging? It’s free. Well, it is if you use a platform like Blogger. Other platforms like WordPress and TypePad offer premium services, but I have to say I find them quite yucky, even when they have a custom template. And I can’t really be bothered with staring at a yuck website when there are plenty of beautiful ones of equal or greater value out there. Which is what we’re talking about today – custom blog designs made especially for you.

Blah doesn’t keep people interested for very long

You have to think of it like this – if you get a customized blog design that wows people, your audience is going to see how much you value yourself and your content. Which makes them think maybe they should value it as well.

I’d suggest you avoid web designers for this.

They cost a small fortune and you do not need one – you’re not buying a website here. Not if you’re using a platform like Blogger. You're only buying the front page, if you know what I mean by that. The program is already functional, all we want to do is make it pretty.
Blog Designers can do this for you, and will often do it for ¼ the price a web designer would charge.
For example, with a blog designer, you can get something designed for the Blogger platform and only pay $110 for the service. A website designer could easily ask you for 10 times that.

Why such a big difference?

Well, because blog designers tend to be bloggers. Bloggers (like me and my Blogbunnie Design Studio, for example) who picked up the skills over time and enjoy creating new templates for people. Obviously it takes time to create a blog so it's going to cost something - but nothing close to what you'd pay for a website. There are loads of great blog designers out there. Unfortunately, they can be very expensive designers ($1000 for a blog?!?) who want to create an entire blogging program for you on your own website, as opposed to doing something simple and using a great program like Blogger and just giving you a pretty layout.

I suggest you not go that route and just stick with Blogger or something similar.
For starters, they have a built in community which generates automatic traffic. That’s going to be a real pain in the butt to do from your own, cos starting from scratch is never easy. Another reason is manageability. You can update and change your blog easily in bloggers control panel. Definitely one of the best, in that regard.

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