IELTS Speaking Test Practice With Answers - 19

PART 1 (Interview)Q. What is your full name? A. My name is Neeraj Mehra but you can call me with my last name which is Mehra. Q. Can I see your ID? A. Sure, here it is. Q. Where are you from? A. I am from one of the cosmopolitan cities of India, the capital- that is New Delhi. Q. Do you work or study? A. As a matter of fact, I am in dual role right now….I am a working executive as well as a student and pursuing Masters in Law at present. Q. Do you like writing emails? A. Of course yes, it is one of the mediums which serve as a documentary proof for future references. I write emails every day for professional and personal reasons. Q. What type of emails do you receive at work? A. At work most of my emails relate to my job. I get inquiry emails from clients. I get emails from my superiors and also from my co-workers. These emails are mostly related to tasks I am assigned to or regarding new tasks. Sometimes I get personal emails from colleagues related to helps and supervision they need. A greeting and invitation email is also common in our office. For instance, when an employee has his son’s birthday approaching, he invites us all via email. Q. Is it better to communicate via email or a phone call? A. As I did mention, email always is a better way of communication as it serves the purpose of a documentary proof as a person can always turn back from his words which were spoken by verbally. With email there are always a reminder and proof of every task. However, which one is better depends on the situation. Let’s say when I need to inform a clients or friend about an event, calling them is an easy approach. However, if I need to inform so many people, email is the better solution. Email is also handy for delivering a lot of information at a time. If I have to inform my co-workers about a meeting agenda, I would always prefer email. When I need to say a hello to my friends and family members, I would rather prefer the phone conversation over email communication. Q. Do you like presents? A. Rather, I would say there would be very few people who would not like getting presents. Gifts are always special and preserve the memory of special events or people. I do love to get presents – be it a simple post card to an expensive laptop. They are always special to me. Q. What is your favorite gift? Why? A. As of now, my favourite gift would be a car, as I don’t owe one. I have been planning to buy one for the last couple of years and in fact I am saving money to buy one soon. So from this regards, having a car as a gift would be a pleasant surprise to me. But, may be this is too much to expect. As usual gifts I prefer books. They are a good source of knowledge and I have a passion of reading books and my book collection is quite rich I would say. I love to read and collect books. So books as a presents are quite fascinating for me. Q. Have you received gifts that you did not like? A. Yes, there have been instances when I did receive gifts which I didn’t like; like a pen or a chocolate. Q. How did you feel about it? A. I did feel bad about the gift I received but I never made the person who gave me that gift know about it as it would only hurt the sentiments of the person. I am not a chocolate lover and that’s why the chocolate as a gift is not an amusing experience for me. I rarely need to write on papers and I have many pens which are still intact. So as gifts these two items are not my favourite at all –rather contrary. However, I always respect the affection behind the gifts. So even if I do not like the gift items, I wholeheartedly welcome the person who gives it to me. PART 2 (Cue Card)Before you talk you'll have one minute to think about what you are going to say and you can make notes if you wish. Do you understand? OK, here's some paper and a pencil to make notes, and here is your topic. I'd like you to describe ......... .
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PART 3 (Discussion)Q. Is it better to have a postcard or a photograph of the place you have visited? A. In my opinion, it is always better to have a photograph of the place as the memory of clicking a photograph gets etched in the minds whereas a postcard only refreshes the memory of the place so visited. Q. Is it good to take pictures of historic buildings? A. Yes, but only if the photograph of the individual is also clicked alongside or in the fore front of the historic building. But not all historic building or national heritage authority allows public to take photos. But there is no restriction on taking photo; I would say this is always good as a pleasant memory to recite later on. Q. Is it necessary to show photographs of places when advertising? A. Yes it is necessary to show photographs of the places when advertising as advertising leaves a great impact on the mind of the person who views it. And a photograph when shown with the advertisement leaves an impression on the mind of the person who sees it. Moreover, it only helps in making the person remember a place, due to such photographs, while watching the advertisement. Q. Is having a collection of photo albums helpful in any way? A. Of course yes, an album takes you down the memory lane in no time. One feels like being at the same place as soon as the photograph album is opened or is browsed through. (Written by - Neeraj Mehra) Thank you. That's the end of the IELTS Speaking Test. |
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