You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You feel the evening programs on a local television station are uninteresting.
Write a letter to the manager of the television station. In your letter:
  • Explain why you do not like the current programs.
  • Describe what kind of programs you would like to see instead.
  • Explain why these programs are better.

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear ................. ,

Sample Answer 1 (286 Words, 15 Sentences, 9 Paragraphs, Band 9)

Dear Manager,
ABC TV channel.

I am writing this letter in regards to the evening programs which are currently being broadcasted in your television channel. I am sorry to inform you that as per the current schedule of the evening slot, most of the programs are quite boring and unexciting. It would be great if you can reschedule some of these programs and introduce more  exciting and absorbing programs in the evening time.

Most of these programs of the evening slot are in the category of opera soaps and the target audiences are mostly adult women. If this slot had more family entertainment programs like comedy, magic show, reality show, children-oriented programs, documentaries on wildlife or some science frictions related programs, it would have been more captivating for audiences of all ages. I believe that by introducing this variety of programs in the evening slot, your channel will definitely attract more viewers and well as advertisers. Hence, audiences of a specific age group enjoy your evening programs, you must be missing some advertising opportunities.

Evening time in each family is considered to be the reunion time. Children join their parents after completing a long day in school and in the same way parents also return home after a tiring day in office. So every member of the family prefers being in the living room in the evening as their meeting place and television as their medium of relaxation and entertainment. Now if your channel can telecast my proposed list of programs, it will cover the interest of everyone in the family.

I hope my request is valid and logical enough to draw your attention. Please reconsider about your current evening schedule of programs which are being telecasted.

Thanking You

Yours Faithfully
Nilay Das.

(Source: Written by Nilay Das)

(NB: Follow the above band 9 writing structure for getting good band score in IELTS Exam. This Sample answer can be followed as an example of a very good answer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.)

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