IELTS Speaking Test Practice With Answers - 17

PART 1 (Interview)Q. What is your full name? A. My name is Huan Ruan. You can call me Ruan. Q. Can I see your ID? A. Of course, here you are. Q. Tell me about your hometown. A. I was born in a small city of China. It is small but quite interesting and beautiful area. Beautiful landscapes will attract anyone and nice people live over there. It is in the northern part of our country and has more than 2 million inhabitants. Q. What is it famous for? A. Well, it is a very small city. I could not think of anything famous there right now, but I guess the spicy food is quite remarkable, not for me, but for outsiders. Q. Did you play any sports when you were a child? A. Well, I was a quiet girl, not very sporty. But I did play some sports, such as badminton and ping pang. I was quite good at them actually. Q. Why did you like this kind of sport / activity? A. Like I have said before, I was a quiet girl, so I was not very interested in team sports like football or basketball. Other sports like swimming, bicycle riding were not popular at that time, so badminton and ping pang worked out to be the best choice for me I guess. Q. Do you think boys and girls nowadays can play the same sports? Why? A. Of course they can. In fact I have not heard any sport that is restricted to one sex rather than the other in my country. It is just there are some differences in terms of choices and popularities due to the natural gender differences. Q. Do you think your children will play sports? Why? A. Yes, definitely. I am not expecting my children to be excellent in sports, but I definitely will encourage them to play because playing sports helps build up physical strength and also interpersonal and social skills. PART 2 (Cue Card)Before you talk you'll have one minute to think about what you are going to say and you can make notes if you wish. Do you understand? OK, here's some paper and a pencil to make notes, and here is your topic. I'd like you to describe ......... .
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PART 3 (Discussion)Q. Do you think children should be taught to save money from their childhood? Why? A. Yes, I think children should be taught to save money when they are young. I believe there are two reasons: firstly, children can learn to respect their parents’ hard work from saving money. When they understand the value of money, and the expenditures in the house hold, they could appreciate more about the life that their parents have provided for them. Secondly, saving money is a great way to learn how to be independent, frugal and responsible. Children who learn to save money from their early ages often become more stable in their personal money management and possess positive attitude about investing money rather than spending it all. Q. Should parents buy everything their child asks for? Why? A. Absolutely not! Firstly, if children have always had what they want, they would take everything for granted. It will affect their life when they grow up because as adults, we can’t just ask for anything that we want. Secondly, just like I have said in the previous question, children have to learn their independence by saving up for something they want rather than being provided everything they want. Q. Is it easy for you to save money? A. No, I don’t think it could possibly be easy for anyone to save money, especially in these days when the living cost is very significant. Personally, I am studying full time and working part time, so at this stage, I could not save up any money at all, but I have plans to save money when I work full time. Because I am a very well organised person, and also not interested in luxury stuff, so it would not be too hard for me to save money. Q. Do people in countryside have different shopping attitude than people in a city? Why? A. Well, I am not sure about Australia, but in China, yes, it would be quite different in terms of what they shop, why they shop and how they shop. Residents in the countryside are generally poorer than the people who live in the city, so they have less consuming power. They would shop less frequently and the majority purchases will be necessities. Also, because the Internet and delivery limitations in the countryside, people tend to go to shops rather than shopping online like many people in the city do. (Written by - Huan Ruan) Thank you. That's the end of the IELTS Speaking Test. |
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