IELTS Speaking Test Practice With Answers

PART 1 (Interview)

Time:4-5 minutes
Now, in this first part of the test I'm going to ask you some questions about ........ .

Q. What's your name?
A. My name is Anoop Asokan.

Q. What do you do?
A. I am a Nurse by profession and I work for Saudi Aramco Remote Area clinics in Al Jubail, Saudi Arabia.

Q. Where do you come from?
A. I belong to India, and my hometown is called as Kochi, which is the commercial capital of the State of Kerala.

Q. Do you like your country?
A. As a matter of fact, I would say, I am proud that I am an Indian and yes, I love and respect my country a lot.

Q. What do you like about your country?
A. Well, my country has the world's largest democracy with more than 125 crore residents. Additionally, you won't be able to find another nation like India with its vast diversity in culture, language, customs and race. The simple and amiable people who represent the country are quite helpful to others. Our country has a vast diversity of natural beauty and if you travel India, you can in a sense say that you have traveled the entire world.

Q. What street do you live in?
A. As I have already mentioned, I live in the city of Jubail, and the street where I live is Jubail Central Street.

Q. What is the street called?
A. It's Jubail Central Street.

Q. Why is your street called this way?
A. Well, I suppose, it's because this street extends from the heart of the city to the Northern end. I don't know if there are any other factors which attribute to this name.

Q. Do you like your street?
A. By contrast to the other streets, this is my favorite one. The most significant reason for this could be the fact that, it's the busiest street in the city with all types of shopping destinations.

Q. What do you like about your street?
A. I presume, it's the ambience and the busy nature of the street. It's so nice to commute around during busy hours.

Q. Do you like living in this city? Why?
A. Yes, as a matter of fact, I like this city more than any other cities in Saudi Arabia. My city is the home to some of the major petrochemical companies in the world and maybe that's the reason why Jubail is regarded as the largest Industrial city in the Middle East. It is a beautiful city with all the facilities a city dweller can expect.

Q. Are you a city dweller? Why?
A. Yes. I am. I like to explore the nook and corner of the city, looking for best restaurants, and entertainment centres. Moreover, I love to live in a city than in a village.

Q. What do you like doing with your friends?
A. Primarily, I would say, it's partying. I love to enjoy the weekends with friends. I would also like to watch movies when my friends are around. Sometimes I love to discuss the recent events and politics with my friends.

Q. What is your favorite meal?
A. No doubt, it's biryani. I reckon, it's a blend of Indian and Arabian food, but very delicious.

Q. Who cooks in your family?
A. Like every other Indian family, my mother and my wife do all the household works including cooking. Occasionally, though, I would also like to experiment.

Q. What is their best meal (house special)?
A. It's the traditional Kerala rice and spicy fish curry. We consume it almost every day.

PART 2 (Cue Card)

Time:3-4 minutes
Now, I'm going to give you a topic and I'd like you to talk about it for 1-2 minutes.
Before you talk you'll have one minute to think about what you are going to say and you can make notes if you wish. Do you understand?

OK, here's some paper and a pencil to make notes, and here is your topic. I'd like you to describe ......... .

Describe an important event in your life.
You should say:
When it happened
What happened
Whether this event affected other people
And explain why you feel it was important.

See the possible answer of this Speaking Cue Card >> Cue Card

PART 3 (Discussion)

Time:4-5 minutes
We've been talking about ............. , and I'd now like to ask you some questions related to this.

Q. Is it important to celebrate different events in our lives?
A. Yes. I definitely think so. It's our responsibility to make sure that we enjoy and celebrate our life. It's the best way to create awesome memories and for me, it means a lot. The tradition of giving surprise gifts and spending time together with family and friends, is inevitable, according to me, in these hectic modern days. Moreover, it's a chance to meet new people and to refresh relationships with people around us.

Q. Are you a goal-settler? Why?
A. I wouldn't dare to say I am a goal setter. I would rather like to experience everything which comes in my way, than creating goals and waiting for them to be achieved. I have always believed that when you live, you need to exhibit certain ethics and moral values, which would take you to your destiny and until this moment, it comes true in my life.

Q. Do you prefer celebrating family occasions at home or in a restaurant? Why?
A. Definitely home. It's the place where we spend most of our life. I would not risk spoiling my memories, at a place which has little significance to us. Moreover, at home, I feel safe and happy with my dearest people around me. I don't know, why, but I have seen many people partying at restaurants and I presume it's always a personal choice.
Thank you. That's the end of the IELTS Speaking Test.

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